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There are many benefits to using a travel agent, from saving time and money to unlocking special perks and benefits. Today, agents are more popular than ever and playing a key role in the continued growth of the travel and tourism industry. If you’re on the fence, consider some of these reasons before going it alone:


Travel agents take care of every aspect of your trip, from your flights and hotel to ground transportation and excursions. Therefore, clients can be organized without having to stress over the planning process.

More for your Money

One major misconception is the thought that using a travel agent will cost a lot more. Travel agents earn commission from the vendors (hotels, resorts, cruises…) on most packages. When you book on-line the vendor keeps the commission. There are times there might be a service fee, but you have an advocate who knows your travels from start to finish and not a different employee each time you call that on-line company. Also, by using a Travel Agency you are helping the small business.

Save Time and Stress

Who wants to come home from work or on your weekend spend hours doing research and booking your own travel? Your travel agent does the work for you, saving you invaluable time along with the headaches of scouring the Internet for travel deals. There is so much information and possibilities on the internet, it can get overwhelming. Sometimes the “great deals” you find are not always so great with possible hidden fees or long layovers. Plus, you’re more likely to look forward to your trip when you haven’t been left disenchanted with the planning process.

Travel Experts

Travel agents are extremely knowledgeable because they are travel experts. In addition to being well-informed about destinations around the globe and having visited many themselves, agents can offer travel tips to help you along the way, whether revealing airport hacks or the best off-the-beaten-path restaurants in your destination. Travel Agents are constantly doing continuing education and sometimes visiting locations to give you the most up to date information.

Exclusive Access

Travel agents have access to lower pricing as well as special perks and benefits that can save you money while at the same time enhancing the quality of your trip. If you want VIP treatment on your next trip, talk to an agent. *

Personalized Experiences

Agents can craft your ideal itinerary and personalize your experience by putting their knowledge contacts and own experiences to work. They’ll know what you can expect ahead of time and can make special requests on your behalf.


Travel agents are real people so you can travel confidently knowing you won’t be relying on a hard-to-reach customer service center or an irritating automated sequence in the event that you have questions or need assistance. You will not be on hold forever only to be transferred to someone else.

Read the Fine Print

A lot of online travel deals can appear too good to be true and many are. Working with a travel agent ensures that you won’t be the victim of a scam or deceived in any way.


An often overlooked trait, a good agent is passionate about travel and is able to inspire you to visit destinations you’ve never heard of or simply get you more excited about your next trip.


Travel agents are globally connected and clients can take advantage of those connections in the form of exclusive deals, experiences and service in and around their destination.

*Not available on all trips